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Instructions for your Dental Appointment

Below are some instructions to consider before your upcoming dental appointment. While we are following strict infection control protocols, following these instructions will greatly help reduce the risk of transmission of the novel coronavirus and protect you and our staff. Your help is greatly appreciated.


    • If you have access to internet at home, Please visit our website at www.harvarddentalcentre.com where you can access our screening Questionnaire and the COVID-19 Dental Treatment Consent form, simply fill out and submit digitally on the day of your appointment before coming in. This will help us screen patients in advance and also reduce amount of time a patient spends in the reception areas and help social distancing protocols by keeping our reception areas clear. If you do not have access to internet at home, please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment. Our receptionist will have forms printed for you to read and sign. If possible, please bring your own pen to limit sharing materials.
    • If you have had changes to your dental insurance, please call us in advance of your appointment so that we can look into your coverage and confirm eligibility. This will again reduce time waiting in the clinic reception areas. Please remember that you are responsible to pay 100% of services (consultation/x-ray/treatment) not covered at the time of your appointment. 
    • If possible, we strongly advise to come straight from your home to the dental office and back again, no side trips at all, which will reduce exposure risk before and after your appointment.
    • Please enter and leave the dental office alone. We would like to maintain social distancing where possible and not have anyone waiting in the reception areas.
    • One person can accompany you only if you are a child or an adult with disabilities.
    • Please disinfect your hands with available hand sanitizer as soon as you enter the clinic and wear your mask at all times other than when instructed to remove the mask by our staff.
    • We will ask you to rinse with a hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse once you are seated in the dental chair.



    • Wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer before leaving the clinic.


    Thank you and STAY SAFE!

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