General Anesthesia is the anesthesia level usually recommended for children who are very uncooperative with dental treatments. It is similar to deep sedation for adults but in order to ensure the safety of children, advanced equipments are used to support their breathing while they are asleep. Like Deep sedation it requires highly trained staff and stringent accreditation by the dental regulatory college to be able to offer this mode of anesthesia. Our clinic in North Delta is accredited with CDSBC to offer general anesthesia.
Deep sedation or Sleep Dentistry is when you are actually asleep for your dental procedure. This method is recommended for adults who are unable to tolerate dental treatments for psychological (high anxiety) or physical (gag reflex) reasons. You will not have any memory of the procedure because you were asleep the entire time. Deep sedation can be administered by a dentist anesthesiologist(post graduate trained dentist.) These procedures MUST be performed at an accredited facility with advanced equipment and highly trained staff.